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Greetings to all adwirers of the "ZOMBIE BOY".In this group i will create for you themes about the"ZOMBIE BOY"and as biography and mems.I will b spread photos and videos . SUBSCRIBE!!! Beography of "ZOMBIE BOY".
So, as you have already understood, his name is Rick Genest or Zombie Boy, was born on August, 7th, 1985 in Montreal. Since the childhood transformation into the zombie was treasured dream of Canadian schoolboy Rika Dzhenesta. Therefore one fine day the young man has spent saved up $4 000 for stuffing of tattoos which simulate a human skeleton. All has begun with a tattoo on all person, creating sensation as if a skull call Rick Genest or Zombie Boy, was born on August, 7th, 1985 in Montreal. Since the childhood transformation into the zombie was treasured dream of Canadian schoolboy Rika Dzhenesta. Therefore one fine day the young man has spent saved up $4 000 for stuffing of tattoos which simulate a human skeleton. All has begun with a tattoo on all person, creating sensation as if the skull appears through through its skin. Eye-sockets, teeth, jaws - all contours of a skull are traced with the maximum accuracy. With this tattoo of Riki has provided to itself a place in 10-ke the most physically modified people of a planet.As a result of it fashionable director Ledi of the Eider and the creative director of brand Mugler of Nikola Formichetti has noticed. In January, 2011 Dzhenest has advertized some suits of a new man's collection Autumn-winter from Mugler. After that Nikola has asked Lady Gaga that it took it on display of a fashion of men's wear that initially hasn't been planned. Further the Canadian participated, perhaps, in all recent projects of the stylist and became, so to say, its muse.Without stopping on reached, Rik Dzhenest is going to establish at once some records for Knigi Ginnessa. The first — for the maximum quantity of the bones tattooed on a body, and the second — for a record by quantity of filled insects. In the twenty five years Rik is very similar to the zombie, but he and aspired to such result. For all life it has spent in tatu-salon more than three hundred hours and for the present, in own opinion, has not reached the necessary kind.On March,5th,Rik on the page Facebooh has exposed a photo of its tattoos.Soon for its page have subscribed more than 1,5 million users (as of March, 25th, 2011). It is not surprising that photos of the gloomy boy by nickname Zombie Boy against a cemetery and other picturesque landscapes have quickly flown about the Internet.